Hi my name is Ruthie.
I love frappe's, Basketball, and Acting.
My idols are Audrey Hepburn and Katie Douglas.
When I grow up I want to be in the WNBA or an Actress.
I wish I could be both but either way I would like to be Famous!
I LOVE the Lord!
I have one brother named CJ and 5 animals.
One bearded dragon,named Buddy, Two cats, Bootsie and Molly,a snake, KoKo,and a dog named Griz.
My Dad is the Executive Director at the Homeless Shelter in Kalispell.
Called the Sam House.
My Mom is a Stay at Home mother.
But also fills in at a Chiropractic Office.
I used to be Homeschooled.
I LOVED being Homeschooled and think everyone should at least try it.
I went back because I missed the Social Part of school. lol.
I like to snowboard in my spare time.
I Love frappe's.