Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Dad's words while watching the Griz game

"Ahhh Oh my goodness, GET HIM! Nice! Oh buddy. Ahh! Get him Get him GET. HIM. GET HIM GET HIM GET HIM! False Start. Yes. Throw him down. GET HIM! OHHH."
CJ "Throw Ceasar on your salad and eat him!"
Dad "Get Him. Nice. Get him. OHHHHHH He was wide open. That was stupid."
For half of this he was standing up yelling at the TV while jumping.
Oh and He's probably gonna read this later and say "Oh Ruthie Girl, I was not jumping!" Yes Dad, You were jumping.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A total and complete letdown

My friend that works at Coffee Traders knows the name of the fake Johnny Depp. His name is Jeremy. It's an alias I swear!

A few pictures from my suprise bithday party!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I'm blogging from inside of a collasped Bounce House. Yes.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I'm having a very heated conversation with CJ about Santa's Hair. You see, CJ thinks Keith Urbans' Drummers hair looks like Santa Claus. I disagree. Then he asked 'Then what does Santa's hair look like?' Then I replied 'I don't know he's always wearing a hat.'

Monday, November 30, 2009

I got a new camera for my Birthday. It's a Nikon D3000 I love it. I also saw the Fake/Real Johnny Depp today at school.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I just really like free things

Lately whenever I go to a fast food restaurant I've been asking for a water cup, which is free. But I haven't been filling it up with water, I usually go for the cherry coke. I don't necessarily call it stealing. Just taking advantage of the things life hands me. Which just happen to be free and not so free.

Monday, November 16, 2009

If you can't meet the real one, why not meet the fake one?

A couple weeks back we started doing school with our tutor Leah at Coffee Traders. Everything was going fine until the guy walked in. And I kept looking at him. And looking at him. And looking at him. Then it hit me. It was Johnny Depp! So I started hyper-ventilating. Leah asked me what was wrong. I half whispered that Johnny Depp was sitting five tables away from us. She looked and replied "That is soo not him." I said "It is!" then she said "No. Johnny Depp is older and skinnier." I said "It soo is Leah!". This went on for several minutes. Then Johnny left and we finished school.

A week passes. Johnny is sitting at the same table. I didn't really get any school done that day.

A week passes. Mr. Almost Depp is there again. I sorta give up. It's isn't Johnny Depp.

Today. The not Johnny Depp is there...again. So I snapped a picture...just in case.
I order a cup coffee. I pick up coffee, and start walking to my seat.In order to get to my seat I have to pass the maybe Johnny Depp. As I walk past this lady says to him. "You know what? You look just like Johnny Depp."

I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE! Because you know what?! When He's in line ordering a cup of coffee They're going to ask for his name! And I'm going to be right behind him! And He's going to say "My name is Johnny!" Then I will blog about it!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dear blog,
Been busy with life and all that. You know how it is. Sorry about the whole not blogging thing. Its been a wild ride. Now let's buckle down and bust out some blogs!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Happy blog post 103! (104? I forgot...)

It's finally here. Blog post 103 or 104. Yes well, I have to tell you something. I don't have any interesting pictures or words. I have a very good excuse to why I don't have any pictures or words. You see I did have lots of pictures and words in my computer. But then my computer broke. (It's a PC what more do I have to say?) So we have to send it in. Again. This is the second time we have to send it in. Number two. Dos. Anyway, it will be 3-4 weeks before I get it back. So see you on blog post 200.
P.S. I'm to change my background from black. It's too depressing. I'm going to change it back to brown.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I missed my 100th blog post by one blog. Well, now two blogs. Well, I'm recognizing that I've missed my 100th blog post on blog 102. You get the idea.

I've dropped the ball. I've missed blog post 100. I've been planning on blog post 100 since March. So I'm going to celebrate blog post 100 on blog post 103. Blog post 103 will be the most interesting blog post you'll ever read. It will contain words and pictures. But not just any words and pictures, interesting words and pictures. Be there for blog post 103. Be there. Be there or be square. Be there.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ruthie, revenge is not the best medicine. And trying to make a taser gun out of a remote control, a Jonas Brothers CD, and Red Bull will NEVER work.

The taser gun almost worked!

This, children, is a Telephone.

Crazy. I didn't even know they still made these. I wonder how much it would sell for on eBay. Probably alot. It's practically vintage.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Sunday, June 21, 2009

I'm a blogger. It's what I do.

Because there's no place like your place. Unless life hands you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna suck! I'm hungry. I think best at around 12:43 am to 12:47 am. Now that I have those things out of the way I would like say a few more things. I have a Twitter. It's Ruthiekrager. Follow me! Oh and of course the Ninjas are coming. So get a carwash and take a shower.

Monday, June 8, 2009

No comment at this time.

I feel like I've kicked my blog to the curb with the rest of my trash when it should be...I'm not quite sure where it should be but it should be somewhere important! Look at me, now I'm referring to my blog as "it". Let's face I'm treating my blog like the middle child of online communities. Sorry blog.

Only 20 more days until I meet my future husband Nick Jonas! Then only 15 more days until Thrive summer camp! I'm eating Lucky Charms right now and the Marshmallows are turning my hands green. When I was little I used to pick through the box until I got all the Green Marshmallows out. I watched the new episode of JONAS last night. It was amazing! I also watched the new Hannah Montana. It reached a new level of weirdness. Seriously, Miley you're 16 years old. I think It's time you give up the wig and try a real acting career. Or just give up acting you aren't good at all. While you're at it, Stop singing. Every time you sing, God kills a kitty. I also blogged on Cj's blog to promote my blog. I also made a new graphic for Cj's blog that he never blogs on!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Several nights ago I went to work with my mom. My mom works at the local homeless shelter as the shelter manager. My dad is the shelter director. My mom does all sorts of things including cooking dinner for the residents. That particular night we baked some bread. We put the bread out for the residents to serve themselves. One guy (we will name him Ron) Ron came up to us and told us how this bread brought back memories to his childhood and how every night his mother baked bread and gave he and his three siblings the heels of the loaves as a bedtime treat. Ron went into great detail about how is mother made eight loaves of bread because his neighbors (who were also relatives) worked in the fields all day and his mother brought the bread for their lunch break.
It's really cool when you hit something unintentionally like that.

Monday, May 18, 2009

THE button

When the blackholes start forming and the universe begins to shred there’s only one thing left to do…

Push the button

Hooray for emergency buttons!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Before you read this I would like you to please remove your hats and please leave them at the door.

I’ve never enjoyed the physical act of writing, and this goes back to my early years, when we were made to write with the old-fashioned dip pens and real ink. (I know, this dates me!)
Being a right-handed writer, this meant that I always had an ink stain on my Right hand, as it blotted what I had just written, or my writing was illegible as I tried to avoid the first issue.
I also used to (and still do) dislike intensely any writing-based activities at school, such as essays. Maybe it was because the subject matter was given to us, or maybe it was because I hadn’t come to appreciate the feeling that writing can give you.
Anyway, I welcomed the advent of the personal computer, when I could write (or type) legibly, and much faster too. (My handwriting is sort of readable if I go slowly, but that doesn’t happen too often, no matter how good my intentions are.) Now I enjoy being able to write, people enjoying what I write and people being able to read it without struggling to make out what I wrote. I'M IN LOVE WITH MODERN TECHNOLOGY!! With the exception of my Ipod. IT DOESN'T EVEN HOLD ALL OF MY MUSIC!!!! AHHHH!! SOMEONE!! BUY ME A NEW ONE!! Preferably an Ipod Touch; They are freaking amazing. Anyway thanks for reading this.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am sooo pumped!!!

I just got done with my first Annie performance. The whole cast did amazing. I am most definitely ready for the following nights. I wasn't very nervous in the green room, I really started getting nervous when they called places. You should have seen my hands. I was shaking soo bad. I love that part! When I get the butterflies in my stomach I just can't stop smiling!! Anyway I will post some pictures later.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm so freaking excited for Annie. It opens in 2 days. I have a total of 13 lines and I sing in 2 songs! Idk why I'm so excited this early. Everyone buy tickets

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This. Is. Sooooooo. FRUSTERATING!!!

Below are four (4) questions and a bonus question.You have to answer them instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately. OK?Let's find out just how clever you really are.... Ready? GO!!!

FirstQuestion: You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person. What position are you in?

Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!Try not to screw up next time. Now answer the second question, but don't take as much time as you took for the first question, OK?

Second Question: I f you overtake the last person, then you are...?

.Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again. Tell me, how can you overtake the LAST Person?You're not very good at this, are you?

Third Question: Very tricky arithmetic! Note: This must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000 . Now add 30. Add another 1000. Now add 20 . Now add another 1000 Now add 10. What is the total?

Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100. If you don't believe it, check it with a calculator!Today is definitely not your day, is it? Maybe you'll get the last question right.... Maybe.

Fourth Question: Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?..........Did you Answer Nunu? NO! Of course it isn't. Her name is Mary. Read the question again!

Okay, now the bonus round: A mute person goes into a shop and wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing his teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Next, a blind man comes into the shop who wants to buy a pair of sunglasses; how does HE indicate what he wants?..........He just has to open his mouth and ask... It's really very simple.... Like you!

Don't feel too bad. I didn't get any right either.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I am blogging from my phone!! wooo hoooo

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Some of the things I've been working on...

I really like this one!

The family photo is my absolute favorite one I have done!!!

I'm still amateur at it. But I like doing it alot. More to come!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wierd laws


Some say this is just an excuse for Moscow police to over-ticket drivers, but you should still watch the filth factor on your rental car. How dirty is dirty? That’s unclear. A recent newspaper survey explored the idea of how to even define “dirty” — almost half said a car was too filthy if you couldn’t read the license plate, while 9 percent said the determining factor was if you couldn’t see the driver.
Penalty: You can get a ticket. Fines might be, shall we say, open to interpretation. Here is a case where you might politely offer to pay the officer up front — $100 should cover it — and be on your way.

France and England

By some accounts, April 5, 1910 was the day romance died on French railways: Kissing was reportedly banned to help deter lover-induced rail delays. But the law seems to be unheard of today. “Are you sure this isn’t a law in Great Britain?” a French spokeswoman at the consulate asked us. What a coincidence: It turns out that Virgin Trains has recently posted “No Kissing” signs at its station in Warrington Bank Quay, in northwest England.
Penalty: While there’s no penalty now for train-related kissing in France, the folks at Warrington Bank Quay will politely ask you to move your smooching to the designated “kissing zone” near the car park.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh yeah!

I've become addicted to the Twilight series. It. Is. Amazing. Seriously. I love them!! Go read them right now.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Annie Jr. tee hee

So, April (Director) called me today. She said That the boy that played Lt. Ward couldn't make it to one of the performances. So she asked me to step in for him. I'm excited! I get to work with Annie and Sandy, the Dog. Yay!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Annie Jr.

Izzi and I auditioned for Annie Jr. at the Whitefish O'Shaugnessy Center. We both wanted to be apart of the Cast. Izzi ended up being Annie's Maid. I didn't get a cast part. I am a little bummed, but I am happy with what I ended up doing.

I AM THE ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR!! Wooo Hooo! Yeah. I am the Directors' right hand gal. Yeah I am a little bummed that I won't be on stage. But I think I will learn a lot. It will be good thing. I will learn alot. I'm not quite sure what I will be doing. But I think it will be fun. I mean, at least I got something. You actors better watch out, You will be taking orders from me now! :-)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cake Makers

Me and Devan made a cake at the shelter for the residents. We used a giant whisk.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I'm having Bloggers Block. I don't know what to blog about. I'm trying to get to 100 blogs before the end of March. But I don't know what to blog about!! I'm trying to make my post more interesting. Things you guys like to read. I need some suggestions. So if you have any ideas please tell me. Soo Help me out here.

Friday, February 13, 2009


We took Jakayla to Mcdonalds to play in playplace yesterday. It was gross.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Not all news is depressing. Just the news on TV.

I've been reading the news lately.

A donkey has been sent to jail in the Nile Delta in Egypt for stealing corn!
The donkey and its owner were both arrested by police after the donkey was found in possession of corn on the cob stolen from a field belonging to the local Agricultural Research Institute.
A special checkpoint had been set up to trap the perpetrators after the Institute’s director complained that someone was stealing his crops.
Later, a local judge sentenced the donkey to 24 hours in prison, whilst the owner escaped a custodial sentence and received only a fine of $9.

A hotel guest in the Netherlands received a nasty surprise when she visited the toilet in her room - a live 2.5 meter python!
The woman immediately alerted the local police, who discovered the snake had climbed up the drain from a room below.
After further investigation police found more snakes, frogs, salamanders, geckos and even a baby crocodile in the room below!
The majority of the rare animals were stored in boxes and bags, but two of the geckos had been walking around freely.
In total approximately 30 exotic rare animals were found.
Dutch police later arrested three men and a women, all from Rome, for trading illegally in rare animals.

30 animals? In one room? Plus 4 other people?! I just have one question. How did they sneek all those animals in the hotel room? I don't get it.
And one last one:

A 33-year-old woman in Wisconsin stole her daughter’s identity to enroll at school because she wanted to be a cheerleader!
Wendy Brown, of Green Bay, Wisconsin, allegedly used her 15-year-old daughter’s ID to become a student at Ashwaubenon High School. She attended cheerleading practices before school started and was given a cheerleader locker, and even went to a party at the cheerleading coach’s house.
She paid for the locker using a $134.50 check that later bounced!
Suspicion arose after she stopped attending school after the first day, prompting a truancy investigation that led to the discovery of her true identity.
Kim Demeny, a high school employee commented that she appeared older than a normal teenager, but had the demeanour of a high-school girl.
The woman told police she wanted to get her high school diploma and become a cheerleader because she didn’t have a childhood and wanted to regain a part of her life that she’d missed.
After further investigation authorities found that her 15-year-old daughter was living in Nevada with her grandmother who has custody of the child.

Hmmm. No comment.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I always wonder how many people actually read my blog. Do you just say you read my blog when I ask? I don't get much comment love. I hope at least two people read my blog. If you are reading this THANK YOU! and what can I do better? Are my blogs fun and enjoyable? Or are they boring and confusing? Do I blog to much? Or do I blog to little? I need feedback. Can I get some comments on this blog? You guys don't talk. Are my blogs to long? Or to short? If you read this comment. Or e-mail me. PLEASE? I'm dying to know. I read your blogs. I comment on your blogs. It's time for you to comment on mine! Please?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 random things about me!

1. I want to move to England. I've always wanted an English Accent. I love all accents. Except American accents. They are toooo easy to understand. I don't get frusterated with the people on the phone with accents that you can't understand. It challenges me to use my listening skills.
2. I love animals. Guinea Pigs are fascinating. Cats kinda disgust me. Especially when they lick themselves and add their own sound effects. It's gross. But their cuteness factor wins over their grossness factor. Just don't let them lick you.
3. Movies. Buy me into a movie and you will be my best friend.
4. Yes I know, I'm a Facebook addict. My Facebook Goal is to have 60 notifications in one day. I don't think that will happen.
5. I only watch the Superbowl when the funny comercials come on. I don't watch the game. I don't like Football at all.
6. I secretly love 80's hair. Secretly I want 80's hair to come back. I secretly want to throw an 80's party. I will secretly only invite people who really get into their costumes.
7. I want to learn Ballet. It seems challenging. I would love to learn any type of dance really. I guess I would just like to learn to dance in general. I can't dance. :(
8. If I can't be an Actress, I would be a Wedding Planner.
9. I can't fall asleep in a messy bed. My bed has to be made before I fall asleep. Or else I can't fall asleep or I have dreams. Not bad dreams. I just don't like having dreams. I can never remember what happened in them when I wake up. Or when it's getting to the good part you always wake up.
10. I skipped 6th grade. I will graduate when I am 17. Hopefully.
11. I don't enjoy shopping. I don't enjoy spending money. I enjoy shopping for shoes, it's easy, just find the coolest pair of converse!!
12. Old people interest to me.
13. Large bodies of water freak me out. Especially Lakes. I enjoy Wakeboarding and tubing and evey other water sport. It's just wierd.
14. I love going to work with my Mom. She works at the Homless Shelter. Yeah I guess Me and the Homeless peeps are pretty tight.
15. I wish I didn't pop my fingers. It hurts. I'm going to try to stop. Starting now.
16. I enjoy watching reality shows like Jon & Kate plus 8, and Dog the Bounty Hunter. Right now I'm addicted to Whose Wedding is it Anyway? It's a wedding planner show.
17. I play Basketball and Volleyball. Those girls are mean!! In Volleyball one girl started cussing at me. I don't know why or what I did to her. I guess she was just mad or something.I was playing Basketball one time and my friend on the other team told me one girl on her team wanted to hit me in the face. I made sure I wasn't guarding her just to be safe. The parents are worse though. They start yelling at you and it makes you really nervous and really sweaty then you can't hear your coach who's supposed to tell you what play to use. and like it's tough.
18. My favorite food is Ketchup Chips. They sound really gross but they are sooo good!! You can only find them at K-Mart.
19. I hate my teeth. Absolutely HATE them. I have a big gap and their all spaced out. I can't wait for braces.
20. I like music. I kinda have to be forced into liking a band though. Like when I get an iTunes card I am really careful with what I buy.
21. I speak 4 different Languages. 2 of which I made up.
22. I'm afraid of Curling Irons. I always think it's going to burn me. And I will never let anyone curl my hair I have to be in control of the curler. Even then I'm still afraid of burning myself.
23. When I was little I thought that the boogeyman lived under my bed. So I would run and jump onto my bed so he couldn't get me. Boogeyman is a wierd name. Like boogey like boogers and man. haha The boogerman. lol
24. I have Paraslipaphobia: The fear of being chased around the kitchen by wild wolves whle wearing slippery socks. It scares me to death. Other than that and Curling Irons I have no issues.
25.I love Hawk Nelson. I'm not obsessed with them like I was the Jonas Brothers, yet. I was obsessed with Nick Jonas alot. I thought we were meant to be. I thought that those other million girls that thought they were going to marry him were wrong, I was going to marry him. I was just kid then. I've moved on to my next band. HAWK NELSON

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Do you Facebook?


Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
a publication for an organization, such as a school or business, which helps members identify each other; also, an online version of this, with profiles including a picture, name, birthdate, interests, etc.
checked out her facebook profile


Main Entry:
Part of Speech:
a school yearbook

Facebook is life changing. I Facebook daily. Facebook is whole different world. With just one click I can find out your favorite movie which is Hairspray. It's kind of wierd actually. Yes I am a Facebook addict. I don't need help. I can stop anytime I want to. I just don't want to. I rarely get messages. It makes my day if someone sends me a message or comments on my picture. So I will leave you with just one Question. Do you Facebook and will you be my friend on Facebook????

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Organizing, Cleaning, Moving Oh My!

Last night I decided to move my furniture around. My mom said to start with cleaning everything out. I cleaned everything out of my two lockers and everything out of my dresser I put my jeans in this hanging thing in my closet. Now I have room for this really cool chair I found at the shelter!!! My room seems so big now! I just have to pick up the rest of the junk and I'm done. I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED ABOUT CLEANING!

Friday, January 16, 2009


This is the bage I packed for Altitude. It's full of 6 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of shorts, 3 pairs of socks, 1 hair brush, a bible, 1 pen, 2 highlighters. 1 notebook, 1 beanie, 1 helmet, 2 gloves, goggles, snow pants, boots, money, swimsuit, snacks, and 2 things of chapstick, a toothbrush, toothpaste, Glasses, and slippers. All fit in that tiny bag!! I'm excited 3 hours to go!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Ok sooo


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

He, Mon Ami!

For Christmas this one of my gifts was My French Coach. It is a Nintendo DS game that teaches the French Language. It's soooo fun and easy! There are about 60 lessons that teaches you the basics like colors and numbers etc. There are also My Spanish Teacher, Japanese, Chinese, and lots more! Here is what I've learned so far.

Bonjour! Ca'va? Mon nom is Ruthie Krager. Mon prefere couleur is Vert. Moi aimer animals and detester matins. Moi avoir court, Jaune cheveux and Marron oeil. Moi Douze. Voir vous!

I just said:
Hello! How are you? My name is Ruthie Krager. My favorite color is green. I love animals and hate mornings. I have short, blonde hair and brown eyes. I'm twelve. See you!

Friday, January 2, 2009

R.I.P Buttercup

This was Buttercup. She died last night. We were giving her a bath and she started freaking out. My mom handed her to me and her legs wouldn't move. her mouth kept opening and closing.
She was having a sezuire or something. There is no funeral. My dad is just gonna take her somewhere. I still have Wesley though. We took Wesley to the Vet to make sure nothing was wrong with her. Wesley is a girl with a guys name. I think I should re-name her something more girly. How about Juliet? R.I.P Buttercup