This is me about 3 years ago. I just read my very first blog post. It's funny looking back and reading all about what you wanted to be when you grow up. Back then I wanted to play in the NBA. Now I want to be a doctor. Back then I knew boys who had longer hair than I did. Now it's flaming red and I'm still growing out that horrible bob. I used to like the Jonas Brothers. Not so much anymore. I'd just like to thank all those youth group leaders and youth group go-ers for putting up with me during my "skin tight hot pink jeans" phase and my "I have discovered a cute outfit so I'm just going to wear that everyday" phase and my "I must make a stupid comment on everything you just said" phase.
There is a reason they put an age limit on how old you have to be to start a blog. Don't lie and say you're 14 when you're really only 11.