Monday, November 24, 2008

REvolve part 3 (more HAWK NELSON!!!)

Ok so right now you're thinking 'Man she has a really good zoom!' well no. I didn't have a floor seat but Jason dunn came through my isle and did the rest of the song there! He posed for one of my pics!!!

Jason Dunn's Shoulder!

The back of Jason Dunn!!!!!!!!

See ya Jason Dunn!!!!!
So that is all the pics that I can post of the HAWK BOYS!!! but thats not even half of them!!!
So check 'em out on iTunes!!!

Revolve part 2 (I had to give Hawk Nelson their own blog)

Ok so this is HAWK NELSON!!AHHHHH!!!! It's blury 'cause I was shaking too hard!!!!

So if you don't know who HAWK NELSON!!! is you need to. They pretty much rock!!!!!!!! So go buy them on iTunes now

HAWK NELSON!!! SO if you haven't noticed I don't really like the Jonas Brothers any more. I like HAWK NELSON!!!! now.

I'm posting all the pics of HAWK NELSON!!!! even the blury ones 'cause that is how much they rock!

HAWK NELSON!!!!! is not the name of a person in the band, it is the name of the band.

Lead singer of HAWK NELSON!!! is Jason Dunn.

ok so it won't let me add more pics so i will do another blog

Revolve kinda late

So me and my mother and 52 other girls went to Revolve. Revolve is a thing where tons of teen girls go to Spokane and listen to people speak and stuff. But it is mostly one gigantic concert here are pics.
This is the Woship Band. That is there name Worship Band.

This is the Revolve Drama Team. Skit one. The girl was acting like she was stuck in an episode of Hills. One guy was acting like he was Peter Parker and wore a spiderman costume under his clothes. The other guy sang everything. Hilarious.

This is Group One Crew, Hip Hop/Rock group. They were really good.


This is Krystal Meyers. Amazing!!!!!!

Ok so this guy is Funny!!!!!! He is a Drama team member. So Rihanna sings this song called umbrella. So he comes out and says "Ode to Rihanna" And says the lyrics to umbrella. and when she sings umbrella. He says Umbrella-ella-ella-ella in a funny british accent. lol

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I am glad when they are over....