Monday, November 24, 2008

Revolve part 2 (I had to give Hawk Nelson their own blog)

Ok so this is HAWK NELSON!!AHHHHH!!!! It's blury 'cause I was shaking too hard!!!!

So if you don't know who HAWK NELSON!!! is you need to. They pretty much rock!!!!!!!! So go buy them on iTunes now

HAWK NELSON!!! SO if you haven't noticed I don't really like the Jonas Brothers any more. I like HAWK NELSON!!!! now.

I'm posting all the pics of HAWK NELSON!!!! even the blury ones 'cause that is how much they rock!

HAWK NELSON!!!!! is not the name of a person in the band, it is the name of the band.

Lead singer of HAWK NELSON!!! is Jason Dunn.

ok so it won't let me add more pics so i will do another blog

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