A week passes. Johnny is sitting at the same table. I didn't really get any school done that day.
A week passes. Mr. Almost Depp is there again. I sorta give up. It's isn't Johnny Depp.
Today. The not Johnny Depp is there...again. So I snapped a picture...just in case.
I order a cup coffee. I pick up coffee, and start walking to my seat.In order to get to my seat I have to pass the maybe Johnny Depp. As I walk past this lady says to him. "You know what? You look just like Johnny Depp."
I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE! Because you know what?! When He's in line ordering a cup of coffee They're going to ask for his name! And I'm going to be right behind him! And He's going to say "My name is Johnny!" Then I will blog about it!
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