Friday, December 18, 2009

Dad's words while watching the Griz game

"Ahhh Oh my goodness, GET HIM! Nice! Oh buddy. Ahh! Get him Get him GET. HIM. GET HIM GET HIM GET HIM! False Start. Yes. Throw him down. GET HIM! OHHH."
CJ "Throw Ceasar on your salad and eat him!"
Dad "Get Him. Nice. Get him. OHHHHHH He was wide open. That was stupid."
For half of this he was standing up yelling at the TV while jumping.
Oh and He's probably gonna read this later and say "Oh Ruthie Girl, I was not jumping!" Yes Dad, You were jumping.


Homeless In the Flathead said...

I dispute that I was jumping. I am over 40 years old and completely incapable of becoming airborn. Your Grandpa told even when I was still in high school, "Son, you come from a long line of people with tight ham strings. You'll never be able to jump very well, so you better play smart." Apparently it's generational.

Ruthie said...

No You were jumping.