Monday, May 11, 2009

Before you read this I would like you to please remove your hats and please leave them at the door.

I’ve never enjoyed the physical act of writing, and this goes back to my early years, when we were made to write with the old-fashioned dip pens and real ink. (I know, this dates me!)
Being a right-handed writer, this meant that I always had an ink stain on my Right hand, as it blotted what I had just written, or my writing was illegible as I tried to avoid the first issue.
I also used to (and still do) dislike intensely any writing-based activities at school, such as essays. Maybe it was because the subject matter was given to us, or maybe it was because I hadn’t come to appreciate the feeling that writing can give you.
Anyway, I welcomed the advent of the personal computer, when I could write (or type) legibly, and much faster too. (My handwriting is sort of readable if I go slowly, but that doesn’t happen too often, no matter how good my intentions are.) Now I enjoy being able to write, people enjoying what I write and people being able to read it without struggling to make out what I wrote. I'M IN LOVE WITH MODERN TECHNOLOGY!! With the exception of my Ipod. IT DOESN'T EVEN HOLD ALL OF MY MUSIC!!!! AHHHH!! SOMEONE!! BUY ME A NEW ONE!! Preferably an Ipod Touch; They are freaking amazing. Anyway thanks for reading this.

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