Well 2 or 3 weeks ago I had my Appendicks out. It was qite an experience. I had my up and down bed that went up and down and my HUGE remote control.

Then I found out my friend was in the Hospital with her Appendicks out! I was determined to take a walk from 326 to 385. I finally made it. We chatted a while. Then the nurse said I have to come take my vitals. I wanted to say "I'M LIVING! CAN'T YOU SEE? I'M SIC

K OF YOU PEOPLE WAKING ME UP AT 3 AMTO SEE IF I'M LIVING! " But I was nice about it and walked quitely to the end of the Hall. I could've made to my room with ease but then I saw the wheelchair. So I said "I can't make anymore." then the nurse was like, "Okay now, hold on," then everyone rushed to my side hoping I wouldn't fait. So for 2 whole minutes I got to ride in a wheelchair! It was exhilerating.
Now I thought I was lucky to ride in a wheelchair. But then we went to all these stores. I got to ride in this ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR!! But now the fun is over, and I must return to my normal walking self. *sigh*
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